True Detective
Title Sequence
An homage to the iconic title sequence for True Detective. Inspired by the turbulent path of a crime investigation. Detectives follow the trail of evidence, often unaware of the darkness around them.
All Roles ︎
All Roles ︎
The Finished Product ︎
- 0 1The Process ︎
Paint, Scan, AnimateThis animation was one of the early stages of my experimentation with mix media techniques. Stepping away from the computer, opened a new tool set for my creative process. Inspired by the teachings of Steve Viola who taught me the value of compositing and smart concept development. Using scanned paint strokes in conjunction with 3D elements, I was able to give the simplified design of the title an extra element of grit and movement.
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The Stills ︎
A closer look
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Credits ︎
- 0 4Client: Otis College of Art and Design
Teacher: Steve Viola
Design: Sebastian Hoppe
Animation: Sebastian Hoppe
Special Thanks: Angela Wong
Copyright ︎ 2020 SEBA INC.
Made in ︎ Venice, California